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Do It Yourself - Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program
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Overview of the Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program
Meet your Program Facilitator
The Evolution of the Attract Connect Stay Framework: A Journey from Research to Real-World Impact
Introducing the Five Implementation Pillars
Watch, Listen & Learn: Introducing the Attract Connect Stay Framework
Module Overview
Introduction: Key Terms & Concepts
Introduction: Understanding the Changed World of Work
QUIZ Module 1 - Intro: Key Terms & Concepts
Step 1. Developing your employer Branding Strategy Untitled
1.1 Set Your Workforce Goal
1.2 List the Benefits You Routinely Offer Your Employees
1.3 Craft Your Employer Value Proposition (EVP)
1.4 Categorise Your Positions Based on Their Recruiting Difficulty
1.5 Decide on Your Incentive Policy
QUIZ Module 1.1 - Developing your Employer Branding Strategy
Module Overview
Introduction: Understanding What Matters for Recruiting Skilled Workers in Rural Areas
QUIZ Module 2 - Intro: What matters for recruiting skilled workers to rural organisations
2.1 Understand Who Your Ideal Candidate(s) for the Vacancy Is
2.2 Create a Job Description that is Compelling & Informative
2.3 Craft an Impactful Job Advertisement
2.4 Apply a Person-Environment-Fit Selection Process
2.5 Prioritise Relationship Building with the Recruiting Manager
2.6 Ensuring an Efficient Onboarding Process
QUIZ: Module 2: Recruiting for Retention in Rural Organisations
Module Overview
Step 3.1 Ensuring a Comprehensive and Smooth On-Site Onboarding Process
Step 3.2 Importance of the Line Manager Building Strong Relationships with their New Hires
Step 3.3 Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Team Environment
QUIZ Module 3: Successfully Settling & Connecting New Employees into Rural Organisations
Module Overview
4.1: Using Evidence to Understand Retention in Rural Communities
4.2: Overview of the READY Step: Preparing for the Community Connector Program
4.2.1: Understanding the Community Development Approach
4.2.2: Defining your Target Community
4.2.3: Assessing your Community's Readiness for the CCP
4.2.3.a Alignment: Ensuring a Good Fit
4.2.3b Engagement: Assessing Community Readiness
4.2.3c Preparedness: Transitioning to Action
QUIZ Module 4: The READY Step – Preparing for the Community Connector Program
Module Overview
5.1: Influenceable vs. Non-Influenceable Retention Factors with Locus of Control
Case Study: Strategic Housing Solutions
Case Study: Meaningful Partner Employment
5.2: Access to Career Progression and Career Planning
5.3: Regular Employee Check-Ins and Staff Feedback Loops
QUIZ Module 5: Retaining Skilled Workers in Rural Areas
Overview of the Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program
Meet your Program Facilitator
The Evolution of the Attract Connect Stay Framework: A Journey from Research to Real-World Impact
Introducing the Five Implementation Pillars
Watch, Listen & Learn: Introducing the Attract Connect Stay Framework
Module 1: Pillar 1 - Attracting a Strong Pool of 'Ideal' Candidates
Module Overview
Introduction: Key Terms & Concepts
Introduction: Understanding the Changed World of Work
QUIZ Module 1 - Intro: Key Terms & Concepts
Step 1. Developing your employer Branding Strategy Untitled
1.1 Set Your Workforce Goal
1.2 List the Benefits You Routinely Offer Your Employees
1.3 Craft Your Employer Value Proposition (EVP)
1.4 Categorise Your Positions Based on Their Recruiting Difficulty
1.5 Decide on Your Incentive Policy
QUIZ Module 1.1 - Developing your Employer Branding Strategy
Module 2: Pillar 2 - Recruiting the 'best-fit' candidates
Module Overview
Introduction: Understanding What Matters for Recruiting Skilled Workers in Rural Areas
QUIZ Module 2 - Intro: What matters for recruiting skilled workers to rural organisations
2.1 Understand Who Your Ideal Candidate(s) for the Vacancy Is
2.2 Create a Job Description that is Compelling & Informative
2.3 Craft an Impactful Job Advertisement
2.4 Apply a Person-Environment-Fit Selection Process
2.5 Prioritise Relationship Building with the Recruiting Manager
2.6 Ensuring an Efficient Onboarding Process
QUIZ: Module 2: Recruiting for Retention in Rural Organisations
Module 3: Pillar 3 - Settling & Connecting New Employees into the Organisation
Module Overview
Step 3.1 Ensuring a Comprehensive and Smooth On-Site Onboarding Process
Step 3.2 Importance of the Line Manager Building Strong Relationships with their New Hires
Step 3.3 Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Team Environment
QUIZ Module 3: Successfully Settling & Connecting New Employees into Rural Organisations
Module 4: Pillar 4 - Settling & Connecting New Employees into the Community
Module Overview
4.1: Using Evidence to Understand Retention in Rural Communities
4.2: Overview of the READY Step: Preparing for the Community Connector Program
4.2.1: Understanding the Community Development Approach
4.2.2: Defining your Target Community
4.2.3: Assessing your Community's Readiness for the CCP
4.2.3.a Alignment: Ensuring a Good Fit
4.2.3b Engagement: Assessing Community Readiness
4.2.3c Preparedness: Transitioning to Action
QUIZ Module 4: The READY Step – Preparing for the Community Connector Program
Module 5: Pillar 5 - Stay - Providing Professional and Personal Support for Long-Term Retention
Module Overview
5.1: Influenceable vs. Non-Influenceable Retention Factors with Locus of Control
Case Study: Strategic Housing Solutions
Case Study: Meaningful Partner Employment
5.2: Access to Career Progression and Career Planning
5.3: Regular Employee Check-Ins and Staff Feedback Loops
QUIZ Module 5: Retaining Skilled Workers in Rural Areas
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